lunedì 12 novembre 2018

Wipe Out Hate!

Memories of November

Together against the discrimination 

As promised some time ago we collaborated once again with the municipal library of  Resita and with my dear friend Dominuque.
Together we made an event called "Wipe Out Hate" which featured the Municipal Library, the Nevo Parudimos Association and the Gimnaziale School n. 2 Resita. The event served to remind adults and teach the younger ones which are the values ​​that make us unique and not different and how we can be better citizens for tomorrow.

With the "Wipe Out Hate" event we created a workshop based on non-formal activities together with 20 young people from the Resita school.
The workshop allowed us to teach young people the difference between a Stereotype and a Prejudice and how they affect our daily lives and our actions especially towards what is different or new to us.
The event was not coincidentally realized on November 9th which is also the International Day against Fascism and Anti-Semitism and with the 80th anniversary of the Night of Crystals.

As promised to Dominque, immediately after the event "Nocturna Bibliotecilor" we are committed to creating a new non-formal activity, to train young people on what are the concepts related to social discrimination.
The activity was carried out by two of my colleagues Eleni and Nadia and I was very happy to collaborate with them, I like their energy during the activities and they are very diligent while they develop the activities.
They have prepared a PPT (PowerPoint Document) collecting phrases and stereotypes from friends scattered around the world, so you can help young people recognize what a stereotype is. Their commitment was really essential to carry out the activity.
It was really interesting to see how much information they got during the preparation and how they organized them to realize non-formal activity. The workshop was very interesting and we also received good feedback from the teachers who were present during the activity. I hope to be able to reaffirm other activities together with the local library and as we say in Italy "There are two without three" but I'm sure that this is also a stereotype ;)!

Before concluding this month I'm sure there will be some excellent updates, let's say that this month started in a totally unexpected, but really pleasant. I learned that there are very interesting conferences that are worth participating in.
I am sure that from now on the activities will become more and more interesting and I have many reasons for which to continue the path that I started which I do not intend to finish :) .....

Autumn colors 🍃🍂🍁

Memories of October

I like spending a lot of time in the youth center and when I need to think, I watch the university garden change according to the seasons.
Especially in this period it is possible to admire the arrival of autumn.
Even when I was in Italy I liked to admire the arrival of autumn and spring. For me they have always been seasons of changes which can transmit you many emotions and sensations just admiring them.
I am astonished to observe how the city changes colors together with nature and
usually in my free time, walking in the parks, I can admire the beautiful colors, unique and wonderful and it is almost magical to see in the faces of children the wonder in their eyes watching something unique.

Returning to what are our tasks and since October is a month of change;), even in associations we are prepared to live new adventures.
Especially in this month.
In fact, we welcomed new colleagues and friends to share this wonderful experience with us, more precisely three girls and one boy respectively from France, Greece and Turkey.
Their arrival has made all of us enthusiastic and at the same time has given us a new charge to carry out new activities and has allowed us to recharge our motivation, because we are here and what we want to do.
With the awareness of a new support we intend to carry out new activities with them that can help us live new experiences in the city and at the same time in our lives.

But October was not just a month of arrivals, the association has well thought of creating a team building of a weekend between all of us, members of the association and EVS.
The result was very productive, the activity was not only useful for getting to know us better but also allowed us to discuss the future activities we want to achieve in the local community. With commitment I am sure that we will be able to develop excellent local initiatives that will make our stay in Resita unique.

domenica 11 novembre 2018

"Nocturna Bibliotecilor"

Memories of September

Flyer of the event
In September the schools open again the gate and also our activities are starting again. One activity for me was really interesting during this month and it was in the Municipal Library.

All of us, EVS, we took part in the event "Nocturna Bibliotecilor".
The meeting was really interesting, we spoke about the differences and the similarities between us, youngsters. Religions, Social life, till the differences and the similarities in our countries.
The discussion was between the us and a group of young people that were coming from a town near Resita. It was interesting because we spoke about an interesting topic and also because we met new people that are local volunteer for the community.

Indeed we discussed  that all of us are unique and special and we are citizens of the world before be citizen of our own countries.

Another aspect that was really interesting for me was met the responsible of the library, Dominique. She is a responsible person and she work really hard to promote initiatives for the young people. I promised to her that I will help her again to make some activities for the young people and I will try to help her to build new activities also for the future and sharing to the young people new knowledge and non formal methods on how be a better citizens for our communities.

Milcoveni, look who is back?

Memories of August

In the association I am taking care of the social communication and the graphic design and I am really happy because all the members of the association believe in me, I am trying to share my knowledge in the field of the ICT in a way to help them also for the future.
A lot of young people are using the social media to have communication and sometimes a lot of them, they prefer spend time by messaging than speak with them friends. The social media are really a strong tools but I think that in the modern education and especially in the schools we should prepare the children to use them in a way also to understand fake news from real news. I think that a course about media literacy have t be a must in every school at least one hour per week.

But during the summer a lot of schools are closed because it is Holidays :D and before arrived here in Resita I promised to myself to visit a village that helped me to remind me who I am and what can I do for other people.
The village is Milcoveni, and it's really a little village on the edge of Romania, few kilometers to the border with Serbia where the phone connection can be really expensive.

I met a lot of wonderful people during the experience in Milcoveni and I was really happy to have the opportunity to visit that village again. I went together my colleague Marcian, because he told me that the grandmother lives there.
I was really happy to be there again and remind the wonderful experience that I did. All the people remind me especially the young people because we played a lot all together. It was really a good experience and I hope to do it again a day.
During my experience here in Romania, I will try to go more time in Milcoveni is the kind of place that can help you to find yourself and to be focus on what is really important in the life.  Where you can remind to your self what is good, not what pleases.

sabato 10 novembre 2018

Tempus Fugit!

Memories of July 

I already spend 30 days in Resita, and there are a lot of news. The summer is really hot here but the weather it's good and I like the environment around the city. There are a lot of lake and forest around here where you can go and also do camping. This month, we went in a festival in Garana, that is near one lake, it was really a good concert and I was happy to spend some days in the forest with all my colleges.

Enes - my roommate
We did a lot of activities during this month I met also my new roommates Enes from Turkey. He told us that the travel was really long but that he is happy to be here,I will try to do my best to make him feel like home as my friends did with me.

What I really enjoyed from this month was my On Arrival Training, that is a Training course promoted by the NA (National Agency) to prepare the EVS volunteers to live a wonderful experience, in this case in Romania ;).

I like it a lot because I would like to be a Trainer since I discovered the program Erasmus Plus and for me was really a constructive activity to be focus on what I want to achieve from the experience and what I should do.
EVS that i met in the  OAT 
In the training I meet new trainers, different volunteers from all over the Europe, that are working in our same field. We spent a lot of time together in Bucharest.

I was really happy also because I meet new Italian friends, we did a lot of activities together and we get a lot of fun, I felt good with them also our Intercultural night it was super, I will never forget.

This experience time by time it look always more interesting, but there is something that I can't control this is way I will do all the activities that I can until I have time!

giovedì 1 novembre 2018

Welcome in Resita!

Memories of June

For all the travelers is always a pleasure listen a warm word that can make you  feel at home and in the association Nevo Parudimos I found people that make me happy from the first moment,  youth worker, colleagues, friends.

Stemma of Resita
So here I am, Welcome in Resita, (that I will learn how to pronounce good only after 10 days!).
It's a quite city situated in a valley, where you have got enough service but where you have also a lot of work to do with disadvantage people.
I already worked with ROMA people and I it was really interesting for me, discover a new culture and in the same time rediscover myself, who am I and what I can do for other people.

You are an EVS!
If you have never listen about the program Erasmus Plus, maybe you can think that  I am a new kind of singer or something more weird, but from June, I chose  to be a European Volunteer to offer my help to the people, to be open to new cultures and to accept the different between us. I want to learn more about new cultures because what I learn from my experiences it's that more deeper are the difference between the people more close the can be, and also because I am thirsty of culture.
I love the idea that we should be European citizen, especially when I was in Italy, I tried to help the young people to understand what does it mean be citizen of the world, recognize the human rights and help other people to be included inside the society and I will do my best also here to help the young people to develop them knowledge.

The apartment is really big and I met my mates, Lara and Nathan, they are here form April and they already lived a lot of adventure in Resita and in Romania.
I felt home from the first second because they have prepared a wonderful welcome that I will never forget.

Before the end of the EVS I wish that they can see me as a new member of them family but this is another story ;) ...

First picture with my EVS collegue and roommate in the picture
Lara - Nathan and Me